Magical Mystery Tour: A playlist of influence…
October 18th, 2012
The recent re-release of The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour film had Rocksucker going back to the album for a thousandth .
October 18th, 2012
The recent re-release of The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour film had Rocksucker going back to the album for a thousandth .
August 1st, 2012
Rocksucker was heartbroken to wake up this morning to see a Facebook post from Robert Schneider announcing the death of .
December 31st, 2011
Finally, here is part 4 of Rocksucker’s Quotes O’2011… (click here to read part 1, here to read part 2 .
November 11th, 2011
In 1996, Elephant 6 founder members The Olivia Tremor Control released Music from the Unrealized Film Script, Dusk at Cubist .