Showcase: Bad Suns
Published on March 19th, 2014 | Jonny Abrams
LA four-piece Bad Suns release their debut EP Transpose on Monday – we were mightily charmed by dippy, loved-up, kinda Shins-y lead track “Cardiac Arrest”, so we subjected front man Chris Bowman to our Showcase Q&A…
How would you describe your music?
There’s a great quote that goes “talking about music is like dancing about architecture”. I’ve definitely found that to be true.
Where are you based, and what do you use to record with?
We’re from Los Angeles, California. We record the band live, all in one room, straight to a vintage tape machine, then we dump the tape into Pro Tools and continue on with process.
Are you signed to a label? If so, how did you come to their attention?
We’re signed to Vagrant Records in North America, and Communion Music in Europe. We put a song online for our friends to hear, and it miraculously caught the ear of several people in the world of music. I’m still not sure how it all happened.
Is there a full album in the works? If so, what can you tell us about it? (Feel free to be as abstract as you like…)
We’re currently recording our debut album at Palmquist Studios @ Infrasonic Sound. We’re very excited about it. Releasing a strong debut album is very important to us – seeing as we’re still in the midst of the process, we’re experiencing pleasant surprises, every day.
Where can we hear your music online?
iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, it’s pretty easy to find online!
Which have been your most exciting gigs and/or overall moments so far?
We played in Kansas City for the first time a few months ago. We weren’t expecting anyone to show up, but we came to learn that the local radio station has been playing our music. We had a room full of people singing our songs back to us. That was very surreal.
Got any more coming up? (Gigs, that is…)
Yes! We’re playing South By Southwest in Austin, and then gearing up for some shows in California with Fitz and the Tantrums, as well as a full US tour with The 1975.
Are there any obscure and/or up-and-coming acts that you’d like to recommend or give a shout-out to?
Our good friend Ráj has just started releasing music into the world, and it’s really cool. We’re excited for him. Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/rajnoise
Finally, if you were forced to spend the rest of your days in solitary confinement, but were allowed to bring the entire works of five different artists along to tide you over, whose would you choose?
If it’s a band that’s still going at it, can I get their records shipped to me, as they’re released? I’m going to answer this with that ideal in mind. My personal list: 1. The Beatles, 2. Radiohead, 3. U2, 4. Arcade Fire, 5. Vampire Weekend.
Bad Suns’ debut EP Transpose is out now and available on iTunes.