Love Inks Love Inks… Dye hards

Interview: Love Inks

Published on October 30th, 2013 | Jonny Abrams

Love Inks recently issued their second album Generation Club, a lo-fi yet luscious strand of evocative synthpop, so we stapled some questions to a Frisbee and flung it in the general direction of founder member Kevin Dehan.

Once again, it found its way successfully across the Atlantic and back…

It’s quite a different sound on this album, more spaced-out maybe, definitely less guitar-based. Did anything in particular prompt this direction?

I’ve been moving away from guitar more and more, nothing specific prompted it. I write everything on synth, then transfer to guitar; whichever works better I use that version.

Apparently you didn’t talk to friends while making the album. Have they forgiven you for your self-enforced isolation yet?

They didn’t really care, I was just trying to jab them; that’s what friends are for. Sometimes I will go for a couple of years not talking to people and some get sensitive about it, I always apologise. I’m a monster.

Very early to be asking, granted, but have you given any thought yet as to what direction you might go in on your next record?

It’s already in the works and the sound is closer to the first record. It’s going to be a good one.

Were you playing festivals over the summer? If so, were there any particular highlights for you?

No festivals this summer, we’re hoping to hit some when we come over to the UK and Europe in April.

Is the music of your previous band The Handjobs up online anywhere? Did any of it turn into Love Inks songs?

You can’t find it anywhere. Actually a few songs were great, I did a lot of home recording during that time period that I still get songs from but the band was too drunk. When I recorded on my own it was good but that band sucked. We played house parties and got into fights; too much beer, not enough music.

How do you plan to spend Christmas?

Not sure yet, either with Sherry [LeBlanc, wife and bandmate]’s mom or my family.

Finally, which have been your favourite albums from 2013?

I really like Dirty Beaches’ new record, Deerhunter’s Monomania is cool, Bill Callahan’s new one is good too.

Kevin Dehan, thank you.

Love Inks’ second album Generation Club is out now on Monofonus Press.

You can buy Generation Club on iTunes and on Amazon.

Love Inks - Generation Club


About the Author

Editor of Rocksucker and the website's founder, Jonny is passionate about the music he listens to, both good and bad, as well as interviewing his favourite musicians.

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