Lou Reed Lou Reed… After hours

EXCLUSIVE: Cornershop’s “Velvet in Furs” playlist in honour of Lou Reed

Published on October 31st, 2013 | Jonny Abrams

Here at Rocksucker we love it when our favourite acts pay tribute to each other, so we’re chuffed as Chocolate Buttons to be bringing you Cornershop’s “Velvet in Furs” playlist in honour of the late Lou Reed.

Reed’s influence, not least that of The Velvet Underground, was particularly traceable in Cornershop’s early material, as evidenced by the presence of “Looking For a Way In” from their fuzzily majestic pre-breakthrough album Woman’s Gotta Have It.

The inspiration has not dwindled: you might sense a vague channelling of “Sweet Jane” in the Soko-featuring “Something Makes You Feel Like That” from last year’s Urban Turban LP, while their fruitful Ample Play label is replete with disciples of Velvety psychedelia.

Dig, for instance, Matsuki Ayumu, The Smoking Trees, The Sudden Death of Stars and Jack Lewis, all of whom are represented on the playlist, along with reconcilable non-Ample Players The Strokes, Mazzy Star and Modern Lovers.

Of particular gratification to Rocksucker is the inclusion of a live version of our very favourite Velvets tune, “Rock ‘N’ Roll”; quite a different version it is, too, definitely in another key and kinda rockabilly with it.

Listen to us, rambling on like this. Let’s get on with the star attraction: Cornershop’s “Velvet in Furs” playlist, as lovingly handpicked by chief ‘Shopkeepers Tjinder Singh and Ben Ayres…

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About the Author

Editor of Rocksucker and the website's founder, Jonny is passionate about the music he listens to, both good and bad, as well as interviewing his favourite musicians.

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