The rest of this week’s singles: Roots Manuva, Factory Floor, Fake Club and more!
Published on August 9th, 2013 | Jonny Abrams
Since it would be a downright dereliction of duty not to lay them on for you, here are the rest of this week’s singles…
…well, the ones we deemed worth writing about, anyway…
Andy Burrows – “Keep On Moving On”
It’s the return of Chris Elliott’s character in Everybody Loves Raymond!
You know, this guy:
Pretty uncanny, really, and unfortunately we just can’t get past it.
Song’s not too bad, though. Kind of like a less quirky Badly Drawn Boy. Nowt too much wrong with that, and it’s certainly very listenable.
Rocksucker says: Three Quails out of Five!
Ariana Grande – “Baby, I”
Actually quite a subtly original production, this one, in surprisingly jerky and colourful ways.
Alas, this is utterly ruined by Grande’s “baby, baby, baby, yeah yeah yeah yeah”-warbling gibberish.
Furthermore, the line “Baby, I’m so down for you” registers initially as “Baby, I’m so damp for you”. Come to think of it, that would have been better.
As it is, whoever produced this might want to be a little more discerning about their choice of collaborators in future.
On balance…
Rocksucker says: Two Quails out of Five!
Brookes Brothers feat. Chrom3 – “Carry Me On”
Another reasonably original and compelling production thoroughly dumped upon by a molar-gnashingly dumb-arse vocal. Is there a competition on this week or something?
Anyway, if you can ignore the whiny singing, there’s some decent, rainbow-spattered drum ‘n’ bass to enjoy here.
Rocksucker says: Two and a Half Quails out of Five!
Caveman – “In the City”
Beach House meets Future Islands? Someting like that. Beach Islands. House Future.
Nice stuff, this.
Rocksucker says: Three and a Half Quails out of Five!
Deaf Club – “April”
Mmph. Zzzzzzzzz. Mwuh?
No! No, that’s my melon! Get your own!
(Smacks lips and rolls over onto other side)
Rocksucker says: NomumIdontwannagotoschooltoday Quails out of Five!
Factory Floor – “Turn It Up”
The first track to be taken from their forthcoming album, penned in for a September 9th release, “Turn It Up” is melty electronic weirdness and a half.
Will doubtless make more sense in the context of the album; it’s a wee bit confusing as a standalone, but certainly entertaining in a “what will it do next?” kind of way.
Three Quails out of Five!
Fake Club – “Beauty Queen”
They know how to whip a crowd into a frenzy, this Club; here’s a scuzzalicious example of how they go about their ball-busting business.
“Beauty Queen” has one of those choruses that descends upon you, swoops down as if cloaked, masked and brandishing a rose in its snarling teeth. Or a sword. Or both. Crashes through your window and challenges you to a duel in which you both win.
Another cracking showing from the husky tones of Rosie Bones, as she’s, er, knowns.
Rocksucker says: Three and a Half Quails out of Five!
Keston Cobblers’ Club – “A Scene of Plenty”
Lovely, sweet shuffling thing of pastoral warmth and elegance. See, Mumford & Sons? That’s how you incorporate banjo without sounding like total ponces.
Not Rocksucker’s usual cup of boat-floating but a delightfully breezy trot nonetheless. Love the line “We could be the oldest kids in town”, too.
Rocksucker says: Three Quails out of Five!
Jacques Caramac & the Sweet Generation – “Snowballs”
Adorable little tune, and we don’t mean that patronisingly.
Well, maybe a little, but you just want to hug it, squeeze it and call it George. That could be construed as patronising, we suppose.
Doesn’t make this any less delightful. About as original as grass, mind, but delightful nevertheless, and with all the scuzzy enthusiasm we need to convince us of their noble musical intentions.
Rocksucker says: Three and a Half Quails out of Five!
Mickey Gloss – “Are you happy???”
We couldn’t very well not feature something as bonkers as this.
Goodness knows what he’s ranting about. Bleep-iced lo-fi garage rock would be the short version of events here. We think we dig it.
Rocksucker says: Three and a Half Quails out of Five!
Roots Manuva – “Stolen Youth”
Wee bit of a shame that someone as ace as Roots has seen fit to compose a track for something as vacuous as Skins…
…or is it? We saw a bit of one episode a few years ago and it just seemed like a kind of Hollyoaks where everyone takes drugs on the toilet. Perhaps it’s blossomed?
Anyway, this is a review of the track, not the show. It’s okay, we guess; the minor-key grasps for murkiness feel a bit overly familiar, though. Not Roots at his eccentric best, but still catchy.
Two and a Half Quails out of Five!
The Child of Lov – “Give Me”
Sounds like the inner monologue of a deranged pervert who’s just smoked a joint laced with amphetamines.
Somehow makes that work for it. Hats off, we guess.
Some bloody weird singles this week. Fantastic.
Rocksucker says: Three and a Half Quails out of Five!
Have a great weekend, all!
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