Showcase: Thomas McConnell
Published on July 8th, 2013 | Jonny Abrams
20-year-old Liverpool singer/songwriter Thomas McConnell has impeccable credentials for an unsigned artist: he has toured the UK with China Crisis and Ian McNabb, has done one-off gigs with The Pretty Things, Ian McCulloch, Ian Broudie, The Real People and Tom Hingley, while a cover of The Beatles’ “All I’ve Got to Do” recorded with McNabb was featured on a recent Mojo cover CD.
Furthermore, his songs are fantastic, a dippy, drippy form of psych-pop that puts Rocksucker in mind of the great Olivia Tremor Control insomuch as its forebears are clear – see McConnell’s first response, for example – but it still manages to exist in a realm unto itself.
Excited by what we heard, we fired yer man over some questions to find out more about him…
How would you describe your music, if pushed?
I suppose Beatlesque/’60s pop would cover it but to me Beatlesque doesn’t mean one specific style anyway as The Beatles were so eclectic.
Where are you based, and what do you use to record with?
I’m based in Liverpool and I use a 32-track digital home studio (Korg D3200).
Are you signed to a label? If so, how did you come to their attention?
I’m not signed to a label as yet I’m afraid!
Is there a full album in the works? If so, what can you tell us about it? (Feel free to be as abstract as you like…)
There are plans to do one some day. I’ve demoed many tracks that I think could go on it but I don’t really see the point in releasing one until I’ve got a much bigger audience. I do have a new EP out this summer though which will be a little preview of things to come!
Where can we hear your music online?
I have songs across these sites – www.soundcloud.com/thomasmcconnell, www.youtube.com/thomasmcconnellmusic and www.thomasmcconnellmusic.bandcamp.com
Which have been your most exciting gigs and/or overall moments so far?
The China Crisis and Ian McNabb tours have been the best gigs I suppose because of the number of people who come to the shows. Doing the support for The Pretty Things was amazing too because I’m a fan of them.
Getting played on BBC Radio has been another really cool thing, I’ve been lucky enough to have got a few plays on Radio Merseyside and that’s been great, and also the cover that Ian McNabb and I recorded of The Beatles’ “All I’ve Got to Do” featuring in Mojo magazine was so cool.
Got any more coming up? (Gigs, that is…)
Hopefully more dates on the Ian McNabb tour and a few things coming up around the north-west, not just Liverpool. See my Facebook for more details.
Are there any obscure and/or up-and-coming acts that you’d like to recommend or give a shout-out to?
Yeah, you should definitely check out The Ragamuffins, The Gramotones, The D-Tales, The Huyton Minstrel, Jimmy & The Revolvers, Red Sails, Luke Cusato, Alister Said… there are too many to mention really so definitely check out www.facebook.com/liverpoolbandspage and you’ll find loads on there!
Finally, if you were forced to spend the rest of your days in solitary confinement, but were allowed to bring the entire works of five different artists along to tide you over, whose would you choose?
Hmm… well definitely The Beatles (including all the solo stuff too!). Then I’d have Oasis, David Bowie, Bruce Springsteen and The Rolling Stones.
Thomas McConnell, thank you.