The Rest of This Week’s Singles: Dizzee Rascal, Robbie Williams, Everything Everything and more!
Published on June 20th, 2013 | Jonny Abrams
…and now for the rest of this week’s singles, starting with one that sounded instantly familiar to us…
Deap Vally – “Baby I Call Hell”
*Ahem* *Points downwards*
Rocksucker says: Cheeky!
Dizzee Rascal feat. Robbie Williams – “Goin’ Crazy”
Is that Jerry Sadowitz two minutes into the video? Can’t be.
That’s pretty much the most interesting thing about this poor man’s “Get Lucky”. Dizzee’s flow sporadically alleviates the tedium, but not much. “Goin’ Crazy” is the sound of two megastars with very little at stake, since either of them could send a .WAV file of them farting flying into the top ten by now. Heck, Williams has.
Rocksucker says: Two Quails out of Five!
Dornick – “Something About You”
Luxurious, smooth (in the good way) modern R&B with dollops of gloopy nocturnal synth from Jessie Ware’s old drummer. Doesn’t particularly go anywhere but hangs around in some pretty sweet spots.
Rocksucker says: Three Quails out of Five!
Everything Everything – “Don’t Try”
Everything Everything could be genuinely amazing if they had a front man who wasn’t limited to the dual settings of ‘spluttering like the singer of a mediocre northeastern indie band’ and ‘strained falsetto’.
Nevertheless, there are some cracking tracks on their recent second album Arc. This isn’t one of the better ones, at least until it lets fly with a harmony-caked breakdown/coda; then it really becomes something worthwhile.
All in all, the UK music scene would be in a much healthier state if more bands had Everything Everything’s sense of adventure. It doesn’t always work, usually due to the vocal focal point, but we can only commend them for trying.
Rocksucker says: Three Quails out of Five!
Let’s Away – “Suitably Loose”
Nice, floaty chords; nice, understated vocal; nice degree of reverby tension and ‘space’ in the mix. Nice in a genuinely nice way, by the way, not in a patronising way.
Brooding, slow-burning stuff that justifies its own unrushedness, and hopefully our coining of the word ‘unrushedness’.
Rocksucker says: Three and a Half Quails out of Five!
Parachute Youth – “Can’t Get Better Than This”
Can’t get better than this? Beg to differ.
Deeply uninspiring, and yet several rungs above some of the utter trash to have flown off the back of this week’s dump truck of singles.
Rocksucker says: Two Quails out of Five!
Siblings – “Fools”
Vampire Weekend without the annoying vocal and with a breezier, more wistful outlook. “My mother says that you’re not welcome anymore” may straddle the delightful/overly twee divide but this is sufficiently amiable and sunny of disposition for us to not hold that against them.
Rocksucker says: Three Quails out of Five!
The Family Rain – “Pushing It”
Video of the week, insomuch as we’re now in love. Shame about the non-descript garage rock soundtracking it, though.
Nice little steal from “No One Knows” by Queens of the Stone Age. Fair game? When you’ve got her in the video, we’d say so.
Rocksucker says: Two and a Half Quails out of Five!
The Swiss – “Connect”
Nice string sample. Pretty funky. That’s about it.
Rocksucker says: Two and a Half Quails out of Five!
See you next week, everybody!