Melt Yourself Down, interviewed by Rocksucker Melt Yourself Down… But give your brain a good old frazzle first

Interview: Melt Yourself Down

Published on March 17th, 2013 | Jonny Abrams

Rocksucker was blown (literally, sort of) away by “Fix My Life”, the new single by Melt Yourself Down, describing it in our four-quail review as “hyperactive jazz lunacy with a whacking great dirty rhythm section slipped underneath it to tumultuously clattering effect”. Turns out the group’s catalyst is Acoustic Ladyland and Polar Bear saxophonist Pete Wareham, with the following also involved:

Shabaka Hutchings (Saxophone)
Tom Skinner (Drums)
Ruth Goller (Bass)
Kushal Gaya (Vocals)
Satin Singh (Percussion)

Rocksucker sent some questions over to Pete in the hope of finding out a little bit more about the project, receiving back the following replies – but first, have a simultaneous earful of and butcher’s at “Fix My Life” (warning: strobes)…

How did Melt Yourself Down come together in the first place? What, if anything, is the significance of the name? 

The band came together when I had an epiphany and decided I wanted to play some Nubian party music, so I called everyone and they said ‘yes’. The name comes from a rare James Chance album. We’re in touch and he emailed me with his blessing which was pretty cool.

Is there a full album in the works? If so, when can we expect it, and – in as abstract terms as you see fit – what can we expect from it? Will it be more instrumental stuff like “Fix My Life”, or will there be more vocals like on “We Are Enough”? 

There is an album coming, hopefully at the beginning of the summer. Musically there will be more of everything.

We Are Enough by Melt Yourself Down

Do you anticipate MYD being a one-off side project, or a full-blown band in its own right? 

It’s already a full-blown band in its own right!

How did Lauren Laverne came across you guys? I see she tipped off Simon Pegg, who chose it as his song to play on 6 Music. Was Lauren also the source of Adam Buxton’s interest?

I met Lauren when I did a live session for her with a band I play in – Kindness – and we have some mutual friends so we got chatting and we sent her some music, which she loved and shared.

Is there a tracklist for your Nubian Nightjar Mixtape online anywhere?

Not at the moment.

Will you be playing any festivals this summer?

Yes indeed.

Is there any activity on the horizon concerning any of your various day bands?

Hmm not sure what a day band is! We’re all busy with lots of different projects so there is always activity on the horizon.

Which were your favourite albums of 2012, and/or which are you most looking forward to in 2013?

Faves from last year – Dr. John – Locked Down, Hello Skinny, Mykki Blanco – Cosmic Angel, Rodriguez – Searching For Sugar Man, Gutter Brothers – Kiss Me I’m Gutter.

Looking forward to the new Polar Bear album which may happen this year sometime, haven’t heard the new Bowie album yet, looking forward to the new Mykki Blanco…

Finally, if you had to spend the rest of your life with the entire works of just five different artists, musical or otherwise, whose would you choose?

Roberto Bolano

Miles Davis


Dahmane Elharrachi

Chögyam Trungpa

Pete Wareham, thank you.

Melt Yourself Down, interviewed by Rocksucker

“Fix My Life” is out now and available at


About the Author

Editor of Rocksucker and the website's founder, Jonny is passionate about the music he listens to, both good and bad, as well as interviewing his favourite musicians.

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