Interview: Ground Pilots
Published on March 27th, 2013 | Jonny Abrams
Ground Pilots’ splendid debut single “A Billion Things” has already racked up tens of thousands of hits on YouTube as well as hit number 1 on Amazon’s Movers & Shakers chart, so we fired some questions over to the Liverpool singer/songwriter to find out what else he’s got up his sleeve…
Congratulations on an excellent debut single. You must be thrilled with the response it’s had. What’s the next phase?
Yes… We cannot believe how well our debut single “A Billion Things” is doing and we’re getting a great response from all angles. Our next phase is to continue the work rate and keep the radio play going as we have, and most of all keep our foot on the gas and release another single on the 2nd of May 2013 … Shortly after this also release the album In The Way Of The Oceans !!!
The vocals are reminiscent of Lee Mavers – presumably The La’s are an influence?
Definitely The La’s are a big influence with my songwriting coming from Liverpool.
The video was tweeted by LL Cool J! How did he come across it?
A guy of the name Martin Chart has a company called L20FILMS – I’ve worked quite a lot with him over the years making music videos etc etc and he basically messaged LL Cool J on Twitter and he surprisingly posted it twice saying it was “amazing”. This is definitely the reason it got so many views on YouTube.
What can you tell us about the album at this stage?
The album is literally weeks away from completion after two years in the making. Brian Nash of Frankie Goes to Hollywood is producing the record and pulling musicians in left, right and centre to ensure that it sounds like the mountain it does… Not long now.
Do you have any live shows coming up?
Our next gig is the 3rd of May in the Isle Of Man at The Railway On The Quay, organised by our manager Neal Clague. Expect us in your town though as we plan to make an onslaught on the UK !!!
I noticed you posted this wonderful John Gomm video on your Facebook timeline. Have you ever tried playing the guitar like he does?
To be honest I’m not really too much of a fan, it’s not my thing at all, but I respect his talent and skill on the guitar and on how far he has come – and yes, I can play the guitar like that in my dreams.
Which were your favourite albums of 2012, and which are you most looking forward to in 2013?
Alberta Cross – Songs Of Patience and Miike Snow – Happy To You are by far the most compelling records of 2012 personally for me, both completely different but quench my lust for sound…
And the album I’m most looking forwards to getting in my hands on this year is ours !!!
Finally, if you had to spend the rest of your days with the entire works of just five different artists, musical or otherwise, whose would you choose?
That’s a great question and a tough one to answer, but here goes… My sounds would be: The Beatles, Pink Floyd and David Bowie. My vision would be: anything with Paddy Considine in and Quentin Tarantino for films.
Ground Pilots, thank you.
In the Way of the Oceans is available for pre-order from the official Ground Pilots website.