Review: The Twilight Sad – No One Can Ever Know: The Remixes
Published on November 9th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
Well this is certainly an interesting series of takes on The Twilight Sad’s edgy, haunted No One Can Ever Know album of earlier this year. Such is the nature of remix albums that Rocksucker feels compelled to take this on a track-by-track basis; so, here we go…
“Sick (Brokenchord Remix)” – glitchy, gloopy, oddly staggering technicolour that sounds much warmer and friendlier than original. In fact, it’s virtually unrecognisable from it, James Graham’s vocals pitch-raised to sound female for starters!
“Sick (Com Truise Remix)” – channels more of the original’s doominess, but still lifts it out of the doldrums somewhat. Graham’s vocal is treated more faithfully this time, left at its original pitch amidst the swirling, sparkling ’70s synthery. It swaggers by and disappears off into the wilderness.
“Nil (Liars Remix)” – the original’s big synth lead is given prominence, and underpinned by a crinkly, fizzy, shuffling rhythm section as per Liars’ startling WIXIW album of this year. Graham’s vocal is chopped and challenged, the mix casts whooshing noises hither and thither in ghostly fashion, all adding up to an odd yet steady electroni-trot, to quite conceivably coin a phrase.
“Not Sleeping (Tom Furse [The Horrors] Dub Mix)” – loosely, cartoonishly dubby, with hints of the original within, like that ghostly lone synth. Furthermore, we get more whooshing noises in mix, pupil-dilating eletric piano chords and an all-round psychedelic patchwork of colours.
“Alphabet (Instrumental) [JD Twitch / Optimo Remix])” – pounding, filtered, clubby shuffle with the original’s big old synth bass loop; juddering electronics like some mad tribal percussion.
“Not Sleeping (Warsnare Remix)” – gurgling glitchfest, a congregation of ideas and elements that might appeal to fans of Mouse on Mars and Coldcut. Mind-bogglingly kaleidoscopic.
“Nil (Breton Remix)” – slapping, clacking, alarmed-sounding odd-skank.
“Alphabet (Ambassadeaurs Remix)” – jittery, shuddering, pulses with stabs and waves of ravey, chopped-up synthery. Original vocal featured prominently, some Gameboy-ish sounds dropped in; part dubstep, part filmic rave strings Oakenfold-type you-know-the-kind-of-thing-ness.
“Sick (Brokenchord Remix 2)” – popping ‘n’ clicking pound-a-thon; chopped up, grinding synth poking relentlessly at it; pitch-raised gulps of vocal. Berserk and discomforting, increasingly so at its end as it eventually drills itself underground and out of earshot.
Jolly good show overall, then, even if it is in the main recommendable only to existing fans. Pats on the back all round!
Rocksucker says: Four Quails out of Five!
The Twilight Sad – No One Can Ever Know: The Remixes will be released on 26th November. The band will play their biggest headline show to date at Glasgow’s Barrowland Ballroom on 15th December. For more information, please visit www.thetwilightsad.com