Review: Ty Segall – Twins
Published on October 31st, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
Been quite a productive year for Ty Segall, hasn’t it? Twins is his third full album of 2012 following on from Hair (with White Fence) and the aptly titled Slaughterhouse, and by virtue of twinning (yes…) the most effective elements of each – the psych-tinged sludge of the former and turbo-charged dynamism of the latter – it is also his best.
One track is called “Love Fuzz”, and Ty Segall sure does, especially when it’s served with lashings of sweetly airy yet deviously off-kilter vocals. It’s not always easy to make out what he’s singing, but it has enough of an commandingly Tame Impala-ish strut about it to instantly delight.
“Inside Your Heart” could be the Olivia Tremor Control of Singles and Beyond early if they’d been more entrenched in rock, while “The Hill” and “Would You Be My Love” are both tremendous fun in their ’60s-gone-wrong ways. However, it is the time-splicing “Who Are You” that steals the show, gleeful ’60s 7th chords trading blows with mad wobbly bursts of grunge, although the early-Blur/early-SFA-like closing track “There Is No Doubt” comes pretty close.
Hair and Slaughterhouse each boasted their share of excellent moments, and on Twins Ty Segall has managed to sustain it across the length of an album. If the next three scrub up this well then it’ll be time to start taking this chap very seriously indeed.
Rocksucker says: Four Quails out of Five!
Twins is out now on Drag City. For more information, please visit