Interview: The Grey Area
Published on September 4th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
What if George Gershwin was a blues guitarist with a penchant for Inspector Gadget? Not a question you may have been expecting to encounter today, but incidentally the answer is: he’d have written “You” by Washington, D.C. duo The Grey Area. And what if latter-day Red Hot Chili Peppers listened to The Dismemberment Plan’s last album Change and felt a surge of sunshine and benevolence from within? Answer: they’d have written “Ourselves” by Washington, D.C. duo The Grey Area. Rocksucker fired off some questions in order to find out a little bit more about this intriguing proposition…
What’s the line-up of the band? How did you all meet, and how long has the band been going for?
The Grey Area is a two-man band, guitar/vox (Jason) and drums (TJ). We actually met at an open blues jam. TJ was seated behind the drums playing with some other musicians on stage. Jason was seated at the bar waiting his turn. The musicians on stage had no singer, and once they’d finished the song they were playing, no one knew what to do next. So Jason cut the line, hopped on stage, and called out a Led Zeppelin tune. After the jam, he and TJ exchanged numbers. That was 2 years ago. The rest is history.
How would you describe your music, if pushed?
It’s kind of a “grey area” between blues, rock and pop. Take a gospel drummer that loves blues and hip hop and combine it with a blues rock guitarist who loves Tom Petty and George Gershwin. That’ll get you pretty close.
Where are you based, and what do you use to record with?
We’re based in Washington, D.C. and record at an independent studio in Maryland.
Is there a full album in the works? If so, what can you tell us about it? (Feel free to be as abstract as you like…)
Well, we released our debut five-song EP in February this year, and have been touring and promoting and making music videos from that. Come next year we’ll begin working on a new album that’ll expand on The Grey Area’s now-signature sound.
Where can we hear your music online?
Which have been your most exciting gigs and/or overall moments so far?
Man. Tough question. Lots. The EP release at Strathmore. Hard Rock Hollywood (CA). Palms Casino, Las Vegas. SxSW. Rock and Roll Hotel, Red Palace, Jammin Java, and Olde Town Tavern in Frederick, MD were great local shows.And of course the two music videos, including the “Sugar From You” video on MTV. Having those up, and having people connect with those like they are…pretty freaking cool.
Got any more coming up? (Gigs, that is…)
Yes. Still sorting out final dates. Stay tuned on Facebook or Twitter to find out! facebook.com/thegreyareadc or Twitter.com/thegreyareadc
Are there any obscure and/or up-and-coming acts that you’d like to recommend or give a shout-out to?
DC has tons of good local music. I urge everyone to check out DC’s local music blogs and give DC its due for producing good local music.
Finally, if you were forced to spend the rest of your days in solitary confinement, but were allowed to bring the entire works of five different musical artists along to tide you over, whose would you choose?
George Gershwin, The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Jay Z, The White Stripes.
The Grey Area, thank you.
For more information please visit thegreyareadc.bandcamp.com