Interview: Eternal Summers
Published on August 11th, 2012 | Theo Gorst
Rocksucker thinks Eternal Summers’ new album Correct Behaviour is pretty darn splendid – why, check out our four-quail review – so we fired some questions over to the band’s singer/guitarist Nicole Yun in order to find out a little bit more about it, and them…
Congratulations on another terrific LP. For those who haven’t heard Correct Behaviour, how would you describe it? Feel free to be abstract!
I would describe it as an eclectic pop record. I really think Daniel did a great job designing the cover because it really does a good job summing up the album: eclectic but unified.
Are there any lyrical themes that define the record?
I often don’t realize there is a theme until the record is finished. Song lyrics can be almost like abstract diary entries. I think there is a major theme of struggle in this album. Struggling and pushing ahead. I don’t want to get too specific because the mystery is what allows listeners to make the music personal.
What noticeably separates this record from past releases is the addition of a third member. How did this come about? And is it permanent?
Sure, having Jonathan as our bassist is a huge step, though we had some bass on our Prisoner EP from our friend Sam. We really love what he has added to the group and it is a permanent move as far as we know! But as for the differences between the records I think we generally opened ourselves up to new experiences this time: having outside producers (Sune Rose Wagner and Alonzo Vargas), using effects pedals, expanding our song structures.
You’ve put out records without much of a gap in between. Do you see the band continuing to be this prolific?
I hope so. We are consistently writing and trying to grow as musicians and writers so putting out another album soon would be exciting!
On your blog you allude to the recording process as being “gruelling”. Why so?
Unfortunately Daniel got the flu the first day of recording and we had just ten days to complete seventeen songs. It was pretty cold in our recording space which is just an open warehouse so it made for a somewhat intense experience.
The lyrics to “Millions” seem to be about moving on and putting all possible limitations behind you. Is this true? And if so were the lyrics inspired by the band’s evolution to a three-peice and writing more expansive songs?
Maybe? Again I never write lyrics with a clear subject matter in mind. It really feels like I write lyrics and understand what it’s about later. So yes it could have been about our struggle to move forward but it could have been about doing what is important rather than what is expected of you? I’ve already said too much.
Have you any plans to come to the UK in the near future?
Hopefully by the end of this year!
Who would you say influenced the record the most?
I know we were listening to a lot of Sonic Youth, Ride, Smashing Pumpkins and Cocteau Twins, but I think we approached every song very differently, and really the mixing of the album with the influences of Alonzo and Sune was a huge influence and a game-changer on the sound of the record. They really helped to bring the punchiness out of our songs and added so much moodiness, darkness and drama to the record’s sound.
Pitchfork said your home town is off the beaten track. How do you feel this affects your music?
I think we aren’t really as concerned about what other bands are doing right now. The isolation helps us to stay focused on writing and experimenting and developing without distractions or being influenced by a scene.
In becoming a trio you’ve become more sonically full. Could you see this continuing with further releases? Roll on the orchestra?
We are open to it. I think the next album is a huge question mark because we want to let the music grow naturally and if that means more fullness and instrumentation then we will do it. We shall see!
What’s next for the band?
We are getting ready for a US tour in September with Bleeding Rainbow.
Can you recommend any up and coming bands to us here?
The Super Vacations are a great Virginia band. Also Bleeding Rainbow who just signed to Kanine Records are amazing and their new record that is coming out this fall will blow minds!!!
Finally, if you had to spend the rest of your life with the back catalogues of just five different musical artists, whose would you choose?
The Psychedelic Furs, Smashing Pumpkins, David Bowie, Tom Petty and The Clash.
Nicole Yun, thank you.
Correct Behaviour is out now on Kanine Records. For more information please visit eternalsummers.bandcamp.com