Interview: The BB Batts
Published on July 24th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
Rocksucker has been quite startled by Lulu Nocera‘s new project The BB Batts, their debut album Hypnotized somehow managing to imbue punk chic leanings with an awful lot of ’60s psych-pop-ery…or even the other way round, we’re not really sure. We fired Nocera some questions over to find out a little bit more about this intriguing proposition, which incidentally is explained in part by the title of this inspired slice of pop bliss…
What’s the line-up of the band? How did you all meet, and how long has the band been going for?
Our set is about 45 minutes depending on the venue request.
I met Ben Rice (guitarist, bassist, producer, mix engineer) and started working with a few other musicians, Ben’s drummer Austin Shumacher and my good friend and keyboardist John Roggie who’s now on a permanent tour with famous artist Bebel Gilberto. We recorded five songs: “Rock the Catwalk”, “Hypnotized”, “You’re Great”, “Say You’re Sorry” and “People With Attitude”, and I was extremely impressed with the results and production that Ben Rice delivered: it was exactly what I’ve been looking to do, he captured what I was about and delivered to me better then I expected.
Working with Ben Rice has been an ecstatic and enlightening experience, the chemistry between us speaks for itself. After we recorded the first five songs, I asked Ben if he could help me put the band together and he found me the musicians I’m with today. The chemistry was there since day one so we decided to turn the EP into a full album.
Before I met Ben, musicians would join and quickly leave the band but Ben fixed all that by bringing some of the greatest and more serious musicians he knew, such as Gian Stone on drums, Reni Lane on Keys, Antar Goodwin on bass (who also played with Lauren Hill and Sting). It took us nearly two years to get where we are finally today; we love the sound we created and my songwriting is better then ever.
As a solo artist I was lucky to have worked with people that opened the door for me in the music industry. I achieved international success and sold many records and still have a huge fan base today. I still perform around the globe my previous hits “Summertime Summertime” and “Let’s Go” that jumped the Billboard charts and radio play.
When you listen to the song from my new album Hypnotized “I Love The Beatles, I Love The Rolling Stones” you discover it’s a biographical song about the evolution and life experience of my life as a pop artist, rediscovering the love for my earlier favorite music as a teenager, the ’60s mod rock and ’70s rock that inspired me to play and write songs at a very early age. It’s an album about my personal experiences of love and life.
How would you describe your music, if pushed?
It’s rock/alternative/punk chic with a Beatles-esque sound.
Where are you based, and what do you use to record with?
We are from NYC, we recorded at Ben Rice’s studio Newkirk Studio in Brooklyn, NY.
Are you signed to a label?
We are not signed to anyone, but soon would like to pitch in to labels for help.
Where can we hear your music online?
You can find The BB Batts album Hypnotized on iTunes and soon on Amazon.com and many other stores around the globe .
Which have been your most exciting gigs and/or overall moments so far?
My most exiting gig do far was The Rock in Rio performing with Information Society.
Are there any obscure and/or up-and-coming acts that you’d like to recommend or give a shout-out to?
The Blackbells, Wicked Tomorrow, The Morning Benders are some of the new bands I dig.
Finally, if you were forced to spend the rest of your days in solitary confinement, but were allowed to bring the entire works of five different artists along to tide you over, whose would you choose?
I would listen to the all discography of The Beatles, Elliott Smith, ELO, The Rolling Stones, The Zombies, Elton John, well that’s six and sick :))
Lulu Nocera, thank you.
Click here to like The BB Bats on Facebook!