Review: Slash – Apocalyptic Love
Published on June 20th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
Nothing to report.
Or perhaps not. Truth be told, Rocksucker only really listened to Apocalyptic Love, the new album by Guns N’ Roses guitar bloke Slash, until it became abundantly clear that it would throughout its fifteen tracks continue to sound precisely as we had expected it to/feared it would. Suffice it to say, Rocksucker could not be bothered sitting through the lot of it when there are many infinitesimally less mind-numbing new albums to listen to and write about instead.
If Apocalyptic Love suddenly turns into glitchcore album halfway through then we offer our unreserved apologies – indeed, please let us know if it does at some point become wildly different, as that would most certainly recapture our attention.
If there is indeed nothing of any particular interest to report, then we admire Apocalyptic Love for how easy it has proven to be to review.
Barring anything interesting happening, we tentatively give it…
Rocksucker says: Five Quails out of Five!
Apocalyptic Love is out now on Dik Hayd International. For more information, please