Interview: Kerkez
Published on May 21st, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
Rocksucker was impressed with Boi, the debut album from Macedonian techno/house producer Kerkez (click here to read our review), so we fired him over some questions in the hope of finding out a little bit more about how he operates…
How long have you been writing, performing and recording music for?
My first touch with dj-ing was in 1998, but I got into it more seriously and started collecting vinyl around 2001. That was the time when I started experimenting with production as well. Ten years after that, I decided I could go for my own label and put out my own stuff as the digital world now allows it to be done more easily.
How would you describe your music?
Well, on SoundCloud I just put a smiley there! I really couldnt say if it’s tech-house, or house, or techno…but I’m sure it has all their elements inside. The most important part for me is the melodies that are on top – those really can change the mood. Some tracks for me are even chillout! I’d just say I make melodic, emotional stuff.
Where are you based, and what do you use to record with?
Im based in Skopje in Macedonia. I’ve got a small home-based ‘studio’ where I enjoy making music. There’s not much hardware, but all I need is here. I use Korg Radias, Akai APC40 as things that are worth mentioning, also using Apogee Duet, and two pairs of Genelec for control. Regarding software, I use Acid and Ableton Live, and a different kind of VST but mostly for chords and stuff. I use Sylenth, Predator, FM8… When I perform live, I take my Akai with me and work on Ableton.
How did you come to the attention of your label?
During 2001-2007 I was making hardgroove stuff as I really liked the tribal vibe. I also had a radio/internet show with Mark Williams. Aound 2007 things changed for me in my music world – I started to do more calm and melodic stuff that’s really close to what I do today. As more digital labels appeared, and many of my friends started that kind of label, I decided to give it a shot in 2011 and promote my stuff on my own label. I didn’t know many labels that put out that kind of melodic stuff anyway, so it seemed like a good idea! And I must say, the sales are not really important for me – I’d just really like the music to reach as many people as possible.
Have you started thinking about your next album or project yet?
I’m still all about my upcoming album as it’s my first and I’m trying to promote it as hard as I can. I produce all the time so yeah, I’ve got some ideas for the next one – but let’s first spread Boi!
Where can we hear your music online?
SoundCloud of course! My personal page is www.souncloud.com/kerkez – I put some things on it that I just finished and feel like sharing. Also you should visit my label’s page www.soundcloud.com/kerkez-music – there you can find all stuff released on KZM and the one that’s comming up. So at the end, if you like something and would like to buy it, my music can be found on any major online store.
Which have been your most exciting gigs and/or overall moments so far?
2003 when Terry Mitchell replied to my demos that he liked them and that he would like to put out
a vinyl. That made me produce more and more. I’ll also never forget a party that I was promoting where my guests were Mark Williams, Mark Broom and Terry Mitchell – that party was the best one for me ever! Also playing at Exit Festival in 2004 was a great experience.
Got any more gigs coming up?
I’m part of a team that runs a few monthly nigts in a local club called Kapan An in Skopje. As a resident there, I’ll rotate more then a few times there! Also got gigs around my country. Regarding international bookings, from this summer I became part of Matthew Hoag’s Lovable Fairy Tale project that has the booking part of the story as well, so I’m looking forward to seeing what that will bring up. I’m sure I’ll be in your town soon!
Are there any obscure and/or new bands/solo artists that you’d like to recommend or give a shout-out to?
If you’re into deep melodic house, you should check out Stojche, a friend of mine who’s already having
international success with his music. Also Vidinovski who’s not very far from Stojche’s style as well. Well, new artists that I support and like are people that I follow on SoundCloud. Feel free to check every one of them!
Finally, if you had to spend the rest of your life with the music of just five different artists, who would they be?
Robert Babicz, Dusty Kid, Ben Sims, Aril Brikha and Carl Craig. All I need is there!
Kerkez, thank you.
Boi will be released on 18th June. For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/KZMsc or soundcloud.com/kerkez