Wot Gorilla? Wot Gorilla?… Throwing the form book out the window

Live at Leeds Q&A: Wot Gorilla?

Published on April 25th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams

It’s almost time for Live at Leeds 2012, so Rocksucker fired off some carefully considered questions to bands who shall be performing there. First up, it’s Mat from Halifax’s finest purveyors of sun-kissed math-pop Wot Gorilla?

Hello! How are you?

Good thanks, trying to answer these questions on the sly whilst at work, not an easy task when your boss sits directly behind you!

Which other acts are you looking forward to seeing at Live at Leeds?

Been meaning to go see Blacklisters for ages now, also hope to catch Post War Glamour Girls, Hawk Eyes, Weird Dreams, iLiKETRAiNS and We Are Augustines. I’m sure there’ll be a few surprises along the way too….

Do you plan to be there for all four days? If so, have you got a decent place to sleep lined up, or are you going to be “roughing it”?

Yeah we’re hoping to get to The Unconference on Friday, went last year and it was very useful! We’ll be there all day on the Saturday and Monday for the 5-a-side; we made it through to the knock-out stages last year so with a bit of luck (and a couple of awesome ringers!) we’ll make it a little further this time round. We only live half an hour away from Leeds so we’ll be retiring to our own beds for the weekend.

What’s the single best thing about Leeds?

Single best thing about Leeds is A Nation of Shopkeepers; not only do they make the best fries in Leeds but they put on some great nights too, well worth a visit!

Are you a fan of festival food? Any particular favourites? And what should one steer clear of?

Not a fan of the extortionate prices of festival food! I suppose Live at Leeds is different though as you can get your food from anywhere in Leeds, so there’s no-one taking advantage of your hunger in a muddy field. I’d recommend a burger from A Nation of Shopkeepers; failing that, get yourself to Shawarma for some Lebanese goodness!

Will you be taking any of the following with you: hand sanitizer, baby wipes, earplugs, a bum bag, a flashlight, a miniature fan, a pop-up tent, an inflatable mattress and/or pillow, a fold-up chair, a miniature stove, or other (please specify)?

Baby wipes to have a quick wash after the show, and earplugs. Oh and Jonny usually carries a fanny pack too, keeps all his Premier League stickers in it!

Do you have any helpful, practical advice for our readers (Live at Leeds-related or otherwise?)

If you’re feeling lazy we advise you stay at The Well all day for Live at Leeds; the majority of the best bands are playing there so you’re guaranteed a good day!

What else have you got lined up for 2012?

We’re releasing our debut album this summer. On the back of that we’ll be playing loads of shows with a few festival appearances, including this years Beacons Festival. We’ve also been filming a new video for a song off the album so look out for that too.

Mat, thank you.

Live at Leeds 2012 will take place on Friday 4th to Monday 7th of May. For more information about Wot Gorilla?, please visit www.wotgorilla.com


About the Author

Editor of Rocksucker and the website's founder, Jonny is passionate about the music he listens to, both good and bad, as well as interviewing his favourite musicians.

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