Live at Leeds Q&A: iLiKETRAiNS
Published on April 25th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
It’s almost time for Live at Leeds 2012 so Rocksucker fired off some carefully considered questions to bands who shall be performing there. First up, it’s Alistair Bowis from epically inclined local heroes iLiKETRAiNS…
Hello! How are you?
Just fine, thank you, just fine.
Which other acts are you looking forward to seeing at Live at Leeds?
I’m hoping to catch some of our Leeds compatriots. Sam Airey is always a delight. I have been hearing many good words about Ellen and the Escapades, but haven’t yet managed to see them live, so that will be a target if possible. And I haven’t seen Just Handshakes in a while. Apart from that, I wouldn’t mind seeing Los Campesinos! again, after their very entertaining show at Constellations Festival a couple of years ago. And might see if I can catch a bit of Ladyhawke to see how they do it on the other side of the world.
Do you plan to be there for all four days? If so, have you got a decent place to sleep lined up, or are you going to be “roughing it”?
We will be around for a couple of the days, certainly, seeing as how we live here, although we have to get to London for a show at The Borderline on Monday, so we are missing the football, which some of us are more sad about than others. So while I am here I will be staying in my house, which some might describe as “roughing it”.
What’s the single best thing about Leeds?
The best thing about Leeds – apart from the music – is probably the meerkats at Tropical World.
Are you a fan of festival food? Any particular favourites? And what should one steer clear of?
Not really, I like to get my 5 a day where possible, and they don’t seem to cater for many of them at your common or garden festival. But being a city based festival, there are plenty of fantastic restaurants to choose from. Maybe Japanese food at Fuji Hiro, curry at Shabab, a pizza from Box. Steer clear of McDonalds.
Will you be taking any of the following with you: hand sanitizer, baby wipes, earplugs, bum bag, flashlight, miniature fan, pop-up tent, inflatable mattress and/or pillow, fold-up chair, miniature stove, or other (please specify)?
I do have a pop-up tent that I haven’t used much. Might take that along for kicks. I bought an inflatable mattress at the same time, but it turned out not to have a plug, so I ended up just on the hard floor, which has put me right off camping.
Do you have any helpful, practical advice for our readers (Live at Leeds-related or otherwise?)
Broken glass can cause forest fires. Clear it up!
What else have you got lined up for 2012?
Our new album The Shallows comes out on 7th May [click here to pre-order your copy], so lots of things around that. We have gigs in London and Manchester in the week after Live At Leeds. Hopefully many many more gigs, and maybe some new countries to add to the list. Might get my roof sorted. Might get a dog. Then Christmas.
Alistair Bowis, thank you.
Live at Leeds 2012 will take place on Friday 4th to Monday 7th of May. For more information about iLiKETRAiNS, please visit www.iliketrains.co.uk