SXSW Q&A: Superhumanoids
Published on February 6th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
It’s SXSW time in Austin, Texas next month, so Rocksucker fired off some carefully considered questions to bands who shall be performing there, specifically those on the really rather splendid roster of artist development agency Solid Gold. Next up, it’s the lush electro-pop soundscapes of LA trio Superhumanoids…
“Hey Big Bang”
Hello! How are you?
Everything is wonderful. Thank you for asking.
If you’ve been to SXSW before, what were your most memorable experiences of it? If you haven’t, what manner of crazy crap have you heard about it that you’re looking forward to checking out for yourself?
We played several shows every day of SXSW last year. By the end we were all zombies. Shells of our former selves. Our last show was outdoors and a venue called Cheer Up Charlies. We had the good fortune to play with Dan Deacon and The Pains of Being Pure at Heart right as the sun was going down. We were surrounded by good friends, cold beer and delicious BBQ. It was the perfect way to end the stressful whirlwind that is SXSW.
Which other bands are you looking forward to seeing?
We Barbarians, Princeton and Koga.
Have you got a decent place to sleep lined up, or are you going to be “roughing it”?
We booked the honeymoon suite at the Ritz Carlton.
Are you a fan of festival food? Any particular favourites?
Not so much festival food, but we love all the amazing BBQ that Austin has to offer. Cameron recently started eating meat. We are all very much looking forward to seeing him put down a little brisket.
Will you be taking any of the following with you: hand sanitizer, baby wipes, earplugs, a fanny bag (or bum bag as we call them on our side of the pond), a flashlight, a miniature fan, a pop-up tent, an inflatable mattress and/or pillow, a fold-up chair, or other (please specify)?
A bum bag full of all of the items listed above.
Do you have any helpful, practical advice for our readers (SXSW-related or otherwise?)
Drink water. Don’t be an asshole. De-frizz hair solution is an absolute must as well.
What else have you got lined up for 2012?
We just finished our new record. It will be coming out at some point this year. Beyond that, lots of touring, remixes, and overall personal, professional, and sexual growth.
Superhumanoids, thank you.
Superhumanoids will be doing a string of shows with Class Actress and Cold War Kids in February and March leading up to SXSW. For more information and a list of live dates, please visit superhumanoids.com