SXSW Q&A: The Milk Carton Kids
Published on February 6th, 2012 | Jonny Abrams
It’s SXSW time in Austin, Texas next month, so Rocksucker fired off some carefully considered questions to bands who shall be performing there, specifically those on the really rather splendid roster of artist development agency Solid Gold. First up, it’s gorgeously harmonising LA folk duo The Milk Carton Kids…
Hello! How are you?
Deathly ill in a Portland hotel room.
Where and when will you be performing?
St. David’s Historic Sanctuary, Saturday March 17th, around 8pm
If you’ve been to SXSW before, what were your most memorable experiences of it? If you haven’t, what manner of crazy crap have you heard about it that you’re looking forward to checking out for yourself?
Our performance at St. David’s last year was the first time we had ever taken to the stage as The Milk Carton Kids. We stepped out in front of the mics for our last song and the church sent our voices to its rafters and around in a way that was quite memorable, and an auspicious start for our band.
Which other bands are you looking forward to seeing?
I’m not actually sure if these artists are playing there this year, but I’m excited about Blake Mills, Sarah Jarosz, and Trevor Menear.
Have you got a decent place to sleep lined up, or are you going to be “roughing it”?
We sleep in beds nowadays, which sometimes still ends up justifiably being called roughing it, but the days of floors and couches are over, thankfully.
Are you a fan of festival food? Any particular favourites?
The ubiquitous BBQ taco, of course.
“I Still Want a Little More”
Will you be taking any of the following with you: hand sanitizer, baby wipes, earplugs, a fanny bag (or bum bag as we call them on our side of the pond), a flashlight, a miniature fan, a pop-up tent, an inflatable mattress and/or pillow, a fold-up chair, or other (please specify)?
One of the luxuries of playing in a minimalist folk duo is we travel light. So no, other than our suits and guitars, we don’t end up needing much of the referenced festival “survival” gear.
Do you have any helpful, practical advice for our readers (SXSW-related or otherwise?)
The advice we’ve tried to adhere to as far as SXSW is concerned, is to only play one show. In principle, for your readers that would translate to making an effort not to overdo it. We find that focusing on fewer elements, in all things, and making them special, making them stand out, and making them matter, serves us better than casting a wide net and hoping for the best.
What else have you got lined up for 2012?
A new record, and the usual schedule of touring ad infinitum, so to speak.
The Milk Carton Kids, thank you.
“Maybe It’s Time”
For more information and a list of live dates, please visit